The Grand Slam of Turkey Hunting

If you are a sports fan, you might have thought that we were referencing a baseball term - hitting a home run with the bases loaded.  However, a grand slam isn’t just for those in pinstripes on the baseball diamond.  Every year turkey hunters head out in their camouflage in hopes of bringing home a Grand Slam. In the turkey hunting world, a Grand Slam happens when a hunter harvests all four of the most common subspecies of American wild turkeys —Eastern, Merriam’s, Rio Grande and Osceola. Below is a map that outlines where each species can be found in the United States and Mexico.

These four species are spread out across the country, so bringing home a grand slam requires some travel. If you are looking to participate in this hunting game, a great place to start is in the heart of the country: Nebraska, Kansa and Oklahoma. These states offer three of the four needed species to “round the bases” when completing a Grand Slam.  Florida is the only state that will offer the Osceola species, so there's no way to complete a Grand Slam in just one location.

Working towards harvesting all four species will require some advanced planning. You will be traveling to multiple geographies with varied topography, which means you will need an assortment of camouflage patterns and gear. At Big Sky Rental, we offer all of the camo patterns needed to successfully hunt the four coveted species of American turkeys. Renting your camo and hunting gear will help offset your travel costs - our gear is a top quality and just a fraction of the price compared to retail. 

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